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  • Stand Out, Don't Blend In: The Power of Embracing Your Unique Self

Stand Out, Don't Blend In: The Power of Embracing Your Unique Self

The Beauty of Being Different: Embracing Your Authenticity for Success and Confidence

"He's always like that, it's so funny"

"That's her thing"

"You'll love him, he's (this, this, and this)"

Do you notice the trend with those statements? Do you see the pattern? The common denominator in all of those statements is that they all brand an individual as unique. Notice how this unique branding is talked about in a positive light. We say statements just like that when talking about our friends, family, and loved ones. We all have that coworker that everyone knows as being unique in some way that brings joy to others. My question is, do people talk this way about you?

This is what my message is about tonight. The power of being unique. I believe in our social media-driven world that jealousy, envy, and especially mimicry have reached an all-time high. We see these figures on our phones who seem to be loved by so many. They are fun, popular, good-looking, and perfect. It's only natural that we want that, right? So what happens next? We begin to act like them. Maybe it's subtle. I'm not saying you go full crazy and try to steal their identity. But you change... bit by bit... and over time, those bits start to add up. Eventually, there are more of those bits than there are the real you.

This is a damn shame, in my opinion. To extinguish your beautiful flame trying to copy the light of others. It can be hard to watch others find great success when we aren't in the same boat yet. It may be only natural to try to mimic what works for them. The problem with this is that it's shortsighted. I want you to think about anyone that has found great success or whom you look up to. When you think about them... they're living as their unique selves, arent they? You see... that's the secret. There is nothing that people love more than seeing a person express their beautiful and entirely unique self. It's captivating. It's refreshing! I mean, damn! In a world full of everyone trying to blend in, one differently colored candle will stand out like you wouldn't believe!

Take my content and my live streams, for example. Why do you watch me? Is it because I'm doing the same thing that others are doing? No... I doubt that. You watch because you like what I do. It resonates with you. That's just how it works. You won't be for everyone, and that's ok. But the people that you are for will love you and know you for who you truly are meant to be. That, my friend, is something very special indeed. And you would be quite surprised to see just how many eyeballs out there are attracted to someone living as their authentic self. It's truly captivating.

We aren't in junior high anymore, but so many people are still acting as if people will judge them. People value uniqueness, so go follow your damn passions why don't ya. How do you do this? Simple... easiest advice in the world, actually. Do you love to sing? Belt it. Do you love chess? Checkmate. Do you love to build Star Wars lego sets in your bedroom? Hell yeah, shout it from the rooftops. Dive into it, live it. Embrace it. Passions are sexy, passions are cool, and most of all, passions change the world.

Please, I want you to respond to this email telling me what you are passionate about and how you are going to work on doing more of that. Embrace it. The world has been deprived of your best self for long enough, don't you think?

With love,

Matt (ZiggyMJ)